
The company has a strong technical team of production,

our production staff from a professional education, training

of fitter fitter and assembly electrician and a professional physical and chemical testers

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BOYAO?BIOMEDICAL?INSTRUMENTS?CO.,LTD. now has 1,000 square meters of assembly and testing workshop, professional assembly and commissioning of 20 people, on-site quality inspection staff of six people. The company has a strong technical team of production, our production staff from a professional education, training of fitter fitter and assembly electrician and a professional physical and chemical testers.

Interpretation of Citizens' Blood Donation Management

       Jinzhou Municipal People's Government portal has rele...

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Platinum Medical attend the Shanghai Medical Symposium

       Platinum Medical participated in the Shanghai Medical Sym...

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崇左市| 香河县| 平陆县| 锦州市| 历史| 琼结县| 东至县| 新乡县| 双鸭山市| 济宁市| 兰州市| 合肥市| 呈贡县| 南京市| 盐亭县| 乡宁县| 同心县| 惠州市| 吉林省| 梁河县| 安阳市| 安义县| 红安县| 北安市| 梅河口市| 澄江县| 京山县| 涞水县| 驻马店市| 图们市| 东辽县| 壶关县| 仪陇县| 汾西县| 珲春市| 剑阁县| 三门峡市| 沅江市| 永年县| 舒城县| 仪征市|